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Monday, May 08, 2006

Eudora by backroad

Today I took a killer (the bad kind) trip to Eudora, and, including a trip to the library earlier, managed to just barely beat my record of last week, with about 34.4 miles. But about half the time I was on backroads, hilly roads of gravel, and my entire body aches as if I had a fever, the constant bouncing was so bad.

I'm having a problem with bottoming out about half way through. I manage these (for me) long rides, but the back half is always a struggle where I can't keep a steady pace. Today I even considered walking up a hill a couple of times, something I'm proud to say hasn't occurred to me much. Need to eat more carbohydrates first?

My route. No, not all 34 miles because I didn't include the trip to the liberry.

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