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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today's trip--to Omiya and Back

Found a nice little path that follows a river for nearly half the route. Just before passing under the Musashino line, the Shibakawa route becomes unpaved, and two paths branch off to the right and left. I took the left path, and found out it was a very good path for getting to Omiya, perhaps even better than the Shibakawa cycling road itself.

Did a total of about 65km, though about 10 km were just wandering that didn't make it to the map. 4 hrs riding time, much longer trip time (something like 8 hours!)

I took a box lunch, then bought some more onigiri later. Didn't konk out until the last 15 minutes or so.

Update: noticed a pronounced shimmy in the rear tire on this trip, and will most likely have to replace the tire. I may also need to get the rim trued or replaced. I just noticed it after I put on the fenders, so it may be I somehow screwed up the alignment when I removed the rear tire to place the fender, but that seems unlikely. The tires are very worn on one side from when I was riding on an underinflated tube. Grrr! Hopefully it's nothing more than a worn tire problem, but the wobble is very noticeable. I wouldn't mind getting some experience truing a tire before going on a real bike trip, but I also want a quick fix!

Was pretty tired (this is the next day) when I woke up, but I feel more relaxed and energetic now. Would love to go for a ride right now!

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