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Sunday, April 30, 2006


Went for a ride in the rain today - not far, but I haven't ridden for a couple of days and felt the urge. It wasn't too bad, the air was fairly warm and thus I wasn't too cold even in the rain. I tried out a splash guard I'd just bought today, and while it's hard to tell the difference when it is raining, it seemed like the guard, as big as it is, didn't keep small bits of sand from getting on the seat of my pants. The real test will be after rainfall, when the ground is wet.

I rode over to old West Lawrence to check out the bike path that leads out that way. Nothing special, but I didn't get very far before I felt satisfied with my ride enough to want to get home and dry. Thus, I can't say whether there is much more to the path.

I probably rode about 7 miles total.

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